
Strathroy Sewage Lagoons

Large Rectangle
I went to Strathroy Sewage Lagoons this afternoon to see what was around.  It was 16c and overcast.  There were some nice flowering shrubs along the ponds.  Lots of Barn Swallows and Tree Swallows flying over the ponds for bugs.  I saw some Canada Geese, Ruddy Ducks, Killdeers flying around and two Spotted Sandpipers along the edge. There were 6 Turkey Vultures circling around above.  
I saw some damselflies.  They were low in the long grass.  Could not get any pictures - saw blue and red ones. 

Strathroy Lagoons

Red-winged Blackbird - female

Red-winged Blackbird

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow

Spotted Sandpiper

Yellow Warbler

Ruddy Ducks

I also went to the Strathroy Wetlands Marsh Walk near Strathroy Conservation Area - The Sydenham River flows from east to west through Strathroy and forms part of a Provincially Significant Wetland.
Here are some photos....a small part of the wetland.
