
Assiniboine Park and Forest

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September 12, 2017 -  Manitoba

Assiniboine Park - The Winnipeg Public Parks Board was formed in 1893 and purchased the initial land for the park in 1904.   It's a large park with a conservatory, Leo Mol Sculpture Garden, English Garden, Zoo, walking paths, and outdoor theatre.  I went through the English Gardens...beautiful gardens and walking paths.

Most of the week were record breaking temperatures.  On September 12, was record breaking heat of 34 degrees breaking the high record ever, records started in 1872.  It was a dry hot day so it's not as bad as Southwestern Ontario heat. 

English Gardens

English Gardens

Assiniboine Forest - one of Canada's largest urban nature parks, comprised of over 700 acres of urban oak and aspen forest. One km of paved Sagimay Nature Trail takes you through the forest and meadows to the Eve Werier, (environmentalist, 1924-1974) Memorial Pond. The woodchip trails radiate from the Sagimay Trail.

I love the prairie grass. This grass is the Big Bluestem.  It turns to a rusty colour in the Fall.

Eve Werier Memorial Pond

Eve Werier Memorial Pond

There was an air advisory.  The smoke from the wildfires out west were blowing westernly spreading wildfire smoke across the prairies. The picture of the sun was taken 3:30 in the afternoon as the sky was looking pretty hazy.  I can smell the smoke, too.  

Blue Jay

Woodchip paths

There was a little flock of birds flying tree to tree.  There were chickadees.  Other little birds were with them but could not identify them as they were moving around in the leaves of the aspens.

I saw this bird far up the path so I had to zoom in and this is what I got.  I thought I had a better picture.

I really cropped this picture.  It seems to me to be a Palm Warbler.
